Association for the Promotion of the Status of Women

under the Royal Patronage of HRH Princess Soamsawali Krom Muen Suddhanarinatha

"Indicator of civilized Society is THE STATUS OF WOMEN"


APSW and the Creating a Loving Bond Project

Empowermentis necessary but not sufficient

APSW and Social Issues

Fund raising/Donations

Assistance and Support

Activities/Special Project
Emergency HomeWomen 's Education training

handicraft from women education and training center

Research Institute (GDRI)

Wetrain Intenational House

Nun's Collage

Annual Report 2006
Important events
Women's Articles
Photo VoiceProject
NGO Experiences :
Fighting Violence against Women

APSW services : 2011 Statistics

APSW's Objectives:

  • To promote equal rights and social justice to women and children by providing shelter, moral support and training for all disadvantaged people.
  • To enhance women’s professional skills and knowledge, enabling them to contribute to the economic and social development of Thailand.
  • To support the full and equal participation of women in power structures and decision-making at all levels, thus eliminating gender bias in laws, policies and practices.

The Association for the Promotion of the Status of Women (APSW)

is a non-profit, charitable organization, established to provide assistance to women and children

who are victims of forced prostitution, rape, HIV/AIDS, unemployment, abandonment,

physical and mental abuse. Through over 20 years of its existence, its scope of activities

has gradually evolved to cover both the provision of welfare, economic and

social empowerment of women

How is the APSW run?

As a charitable organization, the APSW mainly operates on donation

that comes in all forms; from Funds set up by generous donors, direct appeal,

donation boxes placed in various public places to non-cash items.

The APSW has a Committee, elected and appointed to a three year term of office

The 21 member Committee provides policy directives and oversees the overall administration

in line with the mandates and objectives of the Association.

The Executive Director is in charge of the management of all programs and activities.


501/1 Dechatungka Rd. Sikan Donmuang Bangkok 10210 Thailand Tel. 00 662 929-2301-07      E-mail :